Buff3’s Blog

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Dating… September 13, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — buff3 @ 9:26 pm

So.  I’m 30.  I’m single.  I have to admit, for some reason 29 was tougher to swallow.  Dating is rather difficult at any age, but I’m certain it is much more difficult now than it has been.  In an effort to increase my chances of meeting “Mr. Right” I joined 2 different dating sites.  I joined one for chubby chasers!  The other one for Catholics.  I figured somewhere in between I might meet at least someone worth getting to know.  Well, as you may guess I am not having much luck in either place.  Unfortunately the Catholics don’t like the chubbies and the chubby lovers are Atheists.  Some of you may be thinking that I should be less picky.  Truth is, as the years progress, I am getting MORE picky.  I am not going to settle.  I put myself through college, I have started living a life of faith, and I am for the most part self sufficient.  I am not claiming to be completely content, but just because I am large does not mean that I should marry the first part-time warehouse employee, seasonal Wal-Mart worker, or bipolar ninny who thinks I’m going to hell for my Catholic faith, and ultimately it would be nearly impossible for me to date a non-Christian at this point.   

I have always told myself that I will meet a man who loves me for who I am and not my size.  I admit these feelings mostly come from the enmity of my father.   I figured that I would prove him wrong by finding someone who does love me for who I am.  Perhaps I’m only fooling myself.  This may be awkward for people to read, but these are the thoughts that fill my racing mind when I am not busying myself with random activities about town on a Sunday afternoon. 

 If I lose weight it will be for my health, not to find a man.  I have witnessed the self-hatred from some of my friends who have stopped at nothing to change themselves just so they can find themselves in a bad relationship.   I refuse to be that person. 

So, I will remain true to myself.  I will make improvements upon my own desire and if that means I stay single, so be it.  I am not settling. 


-stay sassy,



One Response to “Dating…”

  1. sheila magura Says:


    Do not settle for anything but the best! You are a beautiful person both inside and out and one day you will meet the man of your dreams who loves you for you!! Follow your heart and not what other people think you should do.


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